Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find an answer to the most frequently asked questions by subject.
1. About 'Het Kunstuur'
2. Tickets
3. Groups
4. Practical info
5. Accessibility
6. Rules

1. About 'Het Kunstuur'
Do the exhibitions in Mechelen, Hasselt and Roeselare showcase the same paintings?
The exhibitions in Hasselt and Roeselare showcase paintings which have been exhibited in earlier editions in Mechelen. As each location has its unique qualities, all three are worth a visit.
I would like to propose a story or a story to 'Het Kunstuur'. Who can I contact?
If you have a touching story concerning one of our exhibited artists, you may let us know at:
Do you possess an interesting piece of art that you would like to lend to 'het Kunstuur' for one of our next exhibitions? Then you may contact us via:
What should I expect from a visit to 'Het Kunstuur'?
Soon you will visit 'Het Kunstuur' and you would like as much detailed information about it as possible to prepare? You may definitely read this text.
2. Tickets
Can I already buy tickets for the next edition of 'Het Kunstuur'?
Currently, it is possible to order tickets for the seventh edition of 'Het Kunstuur Mechelen', the third edition of 'Het Kunstuur Hasselt', and the second edition of 'Het Kunstuur Roeselare'.
Do I have to buy tickets in advance as an individual visitor?
We advise to reserve a ticket online. During the weekend and school holidays it may happen that there are no tickets available anymore when you come in person for the desired timeslot.
The code of my gift certificate does not work, what now?
The code of your gift certificate begins with 'G-'. This code must be added when you are completing your reservation, when you go on to pay (not when asked for vouchers or coupons before completing your reservation). The gift certificate does not have an expiration date. If you run into any problem, you can always send us an e-mail. For our location in Mechelen, you can e-mail For Hasselt: For Roeselare:
Can I use my Museumpass here?
Het Kunstuur is a private initiative and functions without any subsidies and thus we do not accept the Museumpass. Everyone pays the same price according to the day and hour. Only those with an UiTPAS who receive concessions due to a higher risk of poverty receive an 80% discount.
I would like to give someone tickets for 'Het Kunstuur' as a present. Is this possible?
Via this link you can order gift certificate for 'Het Kunstuur'. A gift certificate has no expiration date and can be used at all three of our locations. The recipient of the gift certificate can make the reservation for their visit themselves with a date and timeslot of their choice (with the code, starting with 'G-' on their gift certificate'). The gift certificate may also be used in the shop.
Is there a discount for retired persons, students, children, teachers, etc.?
Depending on the hour and day of your visit prices may slightly vary, but there are no additional discountprices available. Check our calender for availabilites to see the prices for each timeslot.
As a teacher you may currently enjoy a discount via the website of Klasse where you obtain a code to add to your booking Ook leden van de Knack Club genieten van een voordeel tot 30 juni 2024.
Er is een korting van 80% op het basistarief voor personen met een UiTPAS kansentarief van de regio waar het desbetreffende Kunstuur zich bevindt (bijvoorbeeld Mechelen voor het Kunstuur in Mechelen). Voor personen die geen UiTPAS met kansentarief hebben is er geen korting, maar wel de mogelijkheid om punten te sparen.
Hoeveel kost een ticket? Waarom is niet elk tijdslot dezelfde prijs?
Naargelang de locatie, het uur en de dag van uw bezoek betaal je een promotieprijs. De tarieven zijn verschillend naargelang de drukte. Raadpleeg onze beschikbaarheidskalender om te kijken welke prijzen bij welk tijdslot horen.
Ik ben ziek, te laat, kan toch niet komen op de geplande datum, kan het bezoek verplaatst worden?
Dat kan. Stuur ons een mailtje, met een gewenste datum/tijdstip. Kijk goed naar de beschikbaarheidskalender op de website om te bekijken welke tijdsloten nog vrij zijn. Het kan zijn dat een ander tijdslot een andere ticketprijs heeft. Voor Mechelen, kan je mailen naar Voor Hasselt: Voor Roeselare:
Mag een begeleider van een mindervalide gratis de tentoonstelling bezoeken?
De tentoonstelling is volledig rolstoeltoegankelijk. Mindervaliden die toch begeleiding nodig hebben, in het bezit van een European Disability card, kunnen gratis één begeleider meenemen naar de tentoonstelling. Dit moet op voorhand aangevraagd worden. Voor Mechelen, kan je mailen naar Voor Hasselt: Voor Roeselare:
Ik heb een verkeerd tijdslot geboekt, of wens toch niet meer op bezoek te komen bij Het Kunstuur. Kunnen tickets terugbetaald worden?
Het Kunstuur is erg flexibel met het aanpassen van uw ticket naar een andere datum, of het terugstorten van het betaalde bedrag in de vorm van een waardebon. De waardebon vervalt nooit en kan op elke locatie gebruikt worden. Voor Mechelen, kan je mailen naar Voor Hasselt: Voor Roeselare:
3. Groups
What formulas exist for groups?
For groups consisting of 8+ people we reserve succeeding timeslots of your choice. For a visit in Mechelen, send an e-mail to:, for Hasselt:, for Roeselare:
It is possible to organise a visit after our usual openinghours if you have a very large group.
School who would like to visit any of our locations can also send a request via these e-mailadresses.
4. Practical info
When are you open?
The openinghours may change depending on the day or location. Consult our calender for availabities to see when there are empty timeslots.
How long does a visit take? How often is a group allowed to enter?
A visit at 'Het Kunstuur' takes exactly one hour. Every 20 minutes a maximum of 8 people are allowed to enter. Booking in advance via the website is a must, as is being on time!
Waar kan ik mijn jas en spullen opbergen tijdens mijn bezoek?
Alle locaties: Het Kunstuur stelt gratis een vestiaire ter beschikking aan haar bezoekers. In de vestiaire kan je kledingstukken, wandelstokken en paraplu's opbergen. Grotere tassen en rugzakken zijn om veiligheidsredenen niet toegelaten in de tentoonstellingszalen, en worden verplicht achtergelaten.
MECHELEN In de vestiaire kan je veilig jouw spullen opbergen in een gratis locker. Er is steeds een baliemedewerker aanwezig die de lockers bewaakt.
ROESELARE In de ontvangstruimte zijn lockers beschikbaar om tassen of rugzakken in op te bergen. De bezoeker wort verzocht geld en waardevolle voorwerpen uit de kledingstukken te halen vooraleer hij deze in de vestiaire achterlaat.
Kan ik de rondleiding in een andere taal dan Nederlands volgen? Welke?
De rondleiding is te volgen in het Nederlands, Engels, of Frans. Dit is aan te passen per bezoeker, ook binnen eenzelfde groep.
Waar kan ik in de buurt iets drinken of eten?
Je kan je Kunstuur beleving verderzetten in Het Kunstuur Café, rechtover Het Kunstuur Mechelen. Ga zeker langs want in dit café ervaar je eveneens een aparte beleving. Naast drankjes wordt er in het café verse dagsoep geserveerd. In het centrum van Mechelen zijn er daarnaast nog tal van eetgelegenheden.
Roeselare heeft heel wat te bieden op culinair vlak.
Op de website van stad Roeselare kan u de horecazaken terugvinden die meedoen aan het horeca arrangement voor Het Kunstuur.
In de omgeving van Het Kunstuur Hasselt, zijn er vele gezellige restaurantjes en terrasjes. Van gastronomisch tafelen tot een hippe cocktailbar: aan keuze geen gebrek.
5. Accessibility
Is the building accessible for people using a wheelchair?
The building can be accessed by wheelchair because of a steep metal plate of 80cm wide that can easily be placed down and taken away. The door to the entrance hall is rather heavy, but there is always an employee present who can offer you assitance. The counter is partly lowered and inside there is sufficient room to move about. The passages are wide enough for a wheelchairuser to pass through and doors and curtains during the visit open by themselves or are opened by an employee. The passageway from the 2nd to the 3rd room consists of a sloping walkway.
There are plenty of foldable chairs so every visitor can take one with them during their visit, as there are only two benches in the last room. In addition to this, we have two wheelchairs available to use. There is one toilet with added supports and lowered sink that is accessible for wheelchair users. If need be, help is always nearby.
The church can be reached using three steps, each 16cm tall. At the right-hand side, next to the steps, there is a sloping pathway. The door is sufficiently wide and the clerk at the counter is happy to help whenever necessary.
The passageways are wide enough, and the entrace- and exit doors of the exhibition open automatically, as well as the curtains seperating each room. There is also an adjusted bathroom for wheelchair users with plenty of room to move, added supports, and a lowered sink. The square where Het Kunstuur Roeselare is located does not have any space to park, but the adjacent streets have dedicated parkingspaces for disables people, although they are based on availability. Two wheelchairs are available for visitors to use, as well as plenty of foldable museumchairs.
Do the audioguides work well with hearing aids?
The volume on the audioguides can be adjusted to your personal preference and usually work just fine for people with hearing aids.
Are there any places to park? How far are they on foot?
Two nearby parkinggarages are Parking Kathedraal (a 1 minute walk) and Parking Grote Markt ( a 2 minute walk). A little further, there is Indigo Park - Centerparking (a 6 minute walk) and Parking Veemarkt (a 7 minute walk).
Saturdays and Sundays can both be particularly busy days and it can often be the case then that the parking garages in the city are full. However, on Saturdays and Shopping Sundays you can park at Nekkerhal and a free Shopping Shuttle will bring you to the Grote Markt (Grand Square).
The parking closest to this location is the Stationsparking, which is only a 2 to 3 minute walk from Het Kunstuur. Also the Wallenparking and Parking De Munt are at walkingdistance.
The streets that border the De Coninckplein have (limited) parking space for which you have to pay. There also are a few parking space for disabled people. For more info about parking in Roeselare, you can go to the city's website: Parkings in Roeselare | Stad Roeselare.
For more info about parking in Hasselt, you can go to the city's website: Parkeren in Hasselt | Hasselt.
6. Rules
Can I bring my dog or pet inside?
Sadly, 'Het Kunstuur' is a concept that does not make animals very happy. The concept is truly magic when you can fix your attention on the exhibited pieces of art and stories. Because of this, animals - with the exception of service dogs with a certificate - are not allowed in the exhibitionrooms.
Is the exhibition appropriate for children?
From the age of 8 to 9 years old and up children are usually able to follow along with the exhibition. Younger children are sometimes stimulated by the darkness and silence in the room. So, in order to guarantee everyone has a pleasant experience, we advise not to bring babies or toddlers to 'Het Kunstuur'. There are no discounts for children.
It is not allowed to touch the art works!
Food, drinks, and smoking of any kind is prohibited.
You are allowed to take pictures, but only without flash.
6. Rules
Can I bring my dog or pet inside?
Sadly, 'Het Kunstuur' is a concept that does not make animals very happy. The concept is truly magic when you can fix your attention on the exhibited pieces of art and stories. Because of this, animals - with the exception of service dogs with a certificate - are not allowed in the exhibitionrooms.
Is the exhibition appropriate for children?
From the age of 8 to 9 years old and up children are usually able to follow along with the exhibition. Younger children are sometimes stimulated by the darkness and silence in the room. So, in order to guarantee everyone has a pleasant experience, we advise not to bring babies or toddlers to 'Het Kunstuur'. There are no discounts for children.
It is not allowed to touch the art works!
Food, drinks, and smoking of any kind is prohibited.
You are allowed to take pictures, but only without flash.
Heb je toch nog een vraag voor ons? Voor Mechelen, kan je mailen naar Voor Hasselt: Voor Roeselare: