Arrangements for groups in Mechlin

The Art Hour is an intimistic experience. Every 20 minutes 8 people at a time can visit the exhibition. Would you like to attend with more than 8 people? We will look into sorting out a suitable arrangement for you.
See below for some ideas.
Please email:

Groepen Het Kunstuur

The Art Hour + Mechlin 1000 years ago

One hour at The Art Hour combined with a guided walk through Mechlin’s historic city centre.

The Art Hour + lunch or dinner

One hour The Art Hour combined with a lunch or dinner in one of the many nearby restaurants.


bezoek aan Het Kunstuur: prijzen variëren van € 16,00 - € 22,00
deelname workshop: vaste kost € 125,00 + variabele kost € 65,00 per deelnemer + genuttigde drankjes & lunch
optioneel: afsluitende receptie café

Min 10 max 30 deelnemers

Interesse? Mail ons!