Het Kunstuur Mechlin 6 from 16/10/23 till 02/06/24

The sixth exhibition of Het Kunstuur in Mechelen ran from Oktober 16th 2023 till June 2nd 2024. New paintings, new narrators and new stories. 

The sixth exhibition in Mechelen ran from 16/10/23 till 02/06/24

"When you grow up in poverty like me, you often don't belong."

Storytelling by Kristel Verbeke, Unicef ambassador

Kristel tells a story about Frits Van den Berghe 'Delight' (1910).

"The Belgians even had their own post office there."

Storytelling by Gita Deneckere, Professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at Ghent University

Gita tells a story about Alfred Stevens 'Villa on the Cliffs of Sainte-Adresse' (1884).

"This work depicts masks, it’s actually about poverty."

Storytelling by Steven Van Herreweghe, Aalst resident and media figure

Steven tells a story about Eugène Verdyen The mask shop' (1876).

"As soon as they were old and worn out, the horses were taken to Antwerp."

Storytelling by Tanguy Ottomer, a writer and a well-known Antwerp city guide

Tanguy tells a story about Kurt Peiser 'Brutality' (+/-1910) and 'Man with the cap'.

"Sometimes they rode around the track for 24 hours, they couldn't speak a word."

Storytelling by Ferdi Van Den Haute, cycling champion

Ferdi tells a story about Marcel Stobbaerts 'The Velodrome' (1925).

"A portrait of a lady, with a filter of irony on top."

Storytelling by Sarah Puttemans, influencer

Sarah tells a story about James Ensor 'Lady in Blue' (1906).

"When I see a lot of black people, I know it will be hard work."

Storytelling by Souleyman Sow, hall attendant in Het Kunstuur Mechelen

Souleyman tells a story about Gustave Van de Woestyne 'Farmers in the Field' (1942).

"He really hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps."

Storytelling by Sven Nys, former cyclo-cross champion

Sven tells a story about Alfred Cluysenaar 'A vocation' (1875).

"It is tragic that a blind person cannot see the spring."

Storytelling by Bart Van Peer, works for Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

Bart tells a story about Edgard Tytgat 'The Blind Man and Spring' (1924).

"His son had stabbed someone and would be severely punished for it."

Storytelling by Jef Vermassen, criminal lawyer

Jef tells a story about Jakob Smits 'The father of the convict' (1901).

"A theatre stage flooded with electric light, a spectacular new experience."

Storytelling by Hanne Decoutere, journalist and dancer

Hanne tells a story about Jules Schmalzigaug 'Dynamism of the dance' (1913).

"Ensor was a world star – and yet he wanted so badly to be a musician."

Storytelling by Kamagurka, cartoonist and theatre and television producer

Kamagurka tells a story about James Ensor 'The violin' (1883).

"As a child I dreamed of becoming an undertaker."

Storytelling by Michaël Van Droogenbroeck, journalist

Michaël tells a story about Louise De Hem 'The Undertakers' (1893).

"We worked 7 days a week – sometimes until midnight – on sewing machines."

Storytelling by Ana Yous, cleaning lady

Ana tells a story about Pierre Jacques Dierckx 'Orphan Girls Peeling Potatoes' (1909).

Chris Brooker tells story...


Chris tells stories about Jan Verhas, Louis Dubois, George Morren, Emile Claus, Constant Permeke, Jean Brusselmans, Gustave De Smet, Paul Delvaux and Gustave Van de Woestyne.