Contributors of The Art hour

Creative team: Overall direction: Frank Van Laecke - Scenography: Piet De Koninck - Music: Dirk Brossé - Copywriting life stories: Dirk Van Vaerenbergh - Corrector: Saskia Martens - Host: Fien Sabbe - Life stories narrated by: Jo De Meyere (first and second exhibition) and Jan Decleir (third exhibition) - General direction and curators: Hans and Joost Bourlon, Wouter Verhulst - Tester group: Bart Stroobants, Sabine Taevernier, Oscar De Vos, Guy De Vuyst en Francis Maere - Realisation: Design and project coordination: Wouter Verhulst en Piet De Koninck - lighting and system programming: Painting with light – Decor: Showtex - Furniture: Roux Meubelprojecten - Signing: Line Reklames – Electricity: EVM Electrical SolutionsBurglary prevention: Trium - Phone + ICT and internet: Compart - Recording narrators: Tumbleweed - Montage stories: Tumbleweed and Jan Van Hende - Website: - Insurance: Casier Risk & Insurance - Transport works: Mobull - Art conservation: Nicolas Lemmens Studio - Accountant: Konsilanto - French audio: Marc de Roy, France Bastoen, Camélia Clair, Fabrice Pillet, Tristan Moreau - English Audio: Chris Brooker, Cathy Smith, Richard Wells, Tess Bryant - Many thanks to the Studio 100 team: Hilde Potloot, Inge Laenen, Charlotte De Saeger, Carla Van Den Broeck, Ann Janssens, Jan Pieter Boodts, Veronique Darquennes, Wannes Troch, David Vander Perre, Petra Vonck, Arnaud Neyt, Kevin De Mulder, Kathleen Willems - Lay-out brochure: Luc Adriaens - Brochure printed by: Drukkerij Graphius - The Art Hour supports VZW Sjarabang - The Art Hour wants to thank the city of Mechlin for its collaboration - The Art Hour was opened solemnly by title-bearing mayor Bart Somers, in presence of acting mayor Alexander Vandersmissen and alderman of culture, tourism, social cohesion and seniors Björn Siffer.
Degroof Petercam, sponsor Het Kunstuur

Partners Het Kunstuur